2 May 2010
- my most popular camera is the canon powershot a620, which i still use today, and is responsible for over 50% of these photos
- my favourite shutter speed is 1/60 second used 63 times
- my favourite aperture is f/2.8 used 168 times
- my favourite focal length is 7.3mm used in over 25% of the shots.
- september is usually my most productive month for taking pictures, as 163 were taken then.
- i seem to prefer taking shots early in the month with both the 2nd and 6th day of a month responsible for 10% between them
- 2008 and 2009 were both equally fruitful years, providing just under 25% of all of the entries on the site
- my most productive day for taking photoblog worthy pictures was a sunny, pre-hospitalised day in south africa on 4th January 2008
- i like taking pictures of music more than anything else, as over 13% of my entries are music related
- i like gigs (122) 3 times more than i like football (43)
- i prefer south america (73) to south africa (61) and thailand (45)
- although none of those places are a patch on leeds (82)
- black and white (120) is twice as good as green (57) and almost three times better than blue (45)
- and i don't really care for fondu (1)
- my most highly viewed photo is this nine inch nails one seen over 11,000 times
- cesc fabregas (7000) is less popular than daniel johns (8184) of silverchair (2655) but more popular than a tree (6664)
- no one really wants to look at a blurry flaming lips picture (59) from 2006
- the site seems to be steadily growing in page views, there were 400k in 2008, over 600k in 2009 and if trends continue as they currently are 2010 will see over 750,000.
if you can't see the full, link-ridden mosaic above perhaps you're better off looking at a flat version. that's today's extra image, which incidentally have appeared in 64% of my posts. sorry, i'll stop that now. here's the extra image
i've posted 9 photos taken with my n/a
i've posted 84 photos taken with a shutter speed of n/a sec - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 74 photos taken with an aperture of f/n/a - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 66 photos taken with a focal length of n/a mm - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 13 photos taken on 30th November 1999 - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 11 photos taken from unknown or invalid region - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
these are all the countries of which i've posted photos