he's so mercifully free of the pressures of grace, saint peter in satin, he's like buddha with mace
this moment was probably the highlight of my night at the
gualeguaychu carnival. there were barriers on each side of the parade strip to separate the crowd and the performers. the strip was protected by security guards and policemen, whose job it was to stop the public from climbing over and joining in. however they were relaxed when it came to people who just wanted a quick photo, as long as they didn't outstay their welcome. one of the aussie guys i was with witnessed numerous people jumping over to get photos so he thought he'd give it a go - with one difference. he thought it would be funny if he took off his shorts, tucked his t-shirt into his pants and started dancing. as you can see from this photo that's exactly what went down. none of us could have predicted what happened next, although in hindsight it really wasn't surprising. he must have had a good 5 seconds worth of fame before he was approached by the police. he went to jump back over the barrier, but instead they grabbed him and dragged him out of the arena. we were speechless looking on. we figured there would be two possible outcomes, either he'd get thrown in jail, or he'd escape to the argentinian streets, however both outcomes would involve being without his shorts that were in our possession. a good 45 minutes passed before he was unexpectedly sitting next to us, demanding his clothing. he told us that once outside, they'd ripped of his green wristband and ignored his pleas of release. desperate, he managed to push the security guard out of the way, and then took a swing at the police officer before legging it as fast as he could before he eventually found us. after a story like that you would assume that he'd keep his head down and stay out of sight. instead he opted to swap t-shirts with his mate, put on a mask and jump back out (with shorts this time) for another photo. alcohol in australian blood is a crazy but hilarious combination.
here's the