i extended my stay in
coro by a couple of weeks as i ended up doing some work for the posada that i was staying in. it all came about completely organically and like most of my work involved almost no marketing or promotion on my part - that's why i get paid the
big shit bucks. it got me thinking about what i wanted to do when i get back home - an event which is getting increasingly closer as my wallet becomes increasingly lighter. in a perfect world i'd like to figure out a way to get paid for taking photos, but in such a way that i still enjoy taking photos. the more i think about it the more i've come to realise that this perfect world is an impossible dream. y'see that famous saying
do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life is a myth. it doesn't matter what it is you do, or what your passion is, it doesn't change the fact that work is still work. it involves clients, deadlines and stress and the primary reason you do it is the same for everyone: money. you need to do this so that you can have something to eat, somewhere to sleep, and hopefully enough left over to go from surviving to living. and then there's the danger that when you factor in all of the baggage that comes with work - you stop loving what you thought you did in the first place. this isn't a particularly productive conclusion, and certainly hasn't clarified much in my head for my transition back into the 'real world'. but i feel like it could be an important reality check for the not too distant future. besides, i've been in the
mines in
potosi - so i know whatever job i get will feel a lot less like work than that.
here's the