it's easier, to beg to go, and run away, far away, oh why don't you, go on and get in your, happy place
i only spent one night and two days in the small village of
san cipriano, but it still left it's mark as one of my favourite places in colombia. the sun replaced the rain on the second day and my friends and i decided to spend a few hours floating down a river in big tire tubes. i think it's the most relaxed i've ever been in my life. i remember lying on my back, looking up at the trees and the sky, listening to the nature, drenched in sunlight, my feet dipped in the water and any worries or concerns evaporating. this state only changed when we got to some faster rapids, and we'd have little races to see who could find the best line and make it through the quickest. this would
always be followed by light-hearted bragging, arguing and excuse-making. then we'd remember that we didn't really care, and resumed our relaxation. even thinking back about it now makes me smile - i guess it's what psychologists would call my happy place. it would be nice to provide some kind of visual evidence of this mythical paradise, what with this being a photoblog and everything. unfortunately the high water content of the river prohibited us from bringing anything we didn't want to get wet. so no cameras, no pictures, but warm and fuzzy memories - not so good for you but pretty damn good for me.
here's the