8 February 2014
there's a world outside
i can't really say where this place is. i know that it's in venezuela. i know that it's between merida and los llanos. looking at a map that may mean it was in sierra nevada national park. my memory isn't good enough to really be sure, and looking at it now 18 months after taking the picture it doesn't really look like a real place. in fact the last time i saw somewhere similar was when i was having a peter pan marathon over christmas and i saw the different renderings of neverland. you certainly don't get vistas like this in britain, which for me is a compelling enough argument to go travelling.
here's the original
here's the original
i've posted 888 photos taken with my nikon d60 - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 80 photos taken with a shutter speed of 1/400 sec - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 68 photos taken with an aperture of f/10 - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 69 photos taken with a focal length of 20.0 mm - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 57 photos taken from venezuela - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
these are all the countries of which i've posted photos
posted by Basman on 10 Feb 2014 16:00