sleep, eat food, have visions
this is gallery 27 in tbilisi, georgia, which is as famous for its colourful stained glass facade as the gallery contained within. when i arrived there were some local kids engaging in an iphone photoshoot on the staircase, so i manoeuvred past them and made my way to the top. as soon as i got there a cat jumped down and posed on the bannister, and i quickly snapped with my wide angle. unfortunately this was the same wide angle which i had dropped in the mountains a few days prior, and the focus unit was damaged. the cat jumped down and i reviewed my shot to discover a blurry surrogate. annoyed that i missed such a serendipitously photogenic moment i sought to recreate it. however i’m allergic to cats, and my friend wasn't persuaded with my suggestion of picking up and placing the cat back on the railing. so i drew on all my previous feline knowledge, broke off a twig from outside the window, and wiggled it in front of the animal. once i had her attention i slowly moved upwards towards the bannister and rested the twig on top. there was a pregnant pause as i had my camera ready in my other hand and the cat eventually jumped back up to her previous position. armed with a functioning lens i quickly pointed it towards the cat and fired off as many shots as i could until she got bored and jumped back down. i was pretty happy with my new shot, and a little smug with my cat wrangling skills, but i still preferred the lighting in the first blurry version, so this image is a composite of the two.
here's the second image i took of the