4 January 2024
we'll become silhouettes
i didn't arrive in goa in the best shape, having eaten something which didn't agree with me on the journey from mumbai, so i spent the first few days either in bed or on the toilet. after i regained enough strength i relocated to a place called calangute where i booked an airbnb for a week with the intention of working. i forget exactly why i chose calangute for this, i think a friend told me she'd been there a few months before, but every day i spent there i questioned this decision. it's the kind of place where older retired couples visit having booked a package holiday, so definitely not the kind of people i would normally hang out with while travelling. but in a weird way this was kinda an advantage, i had a lot of work i needed to focus on, and really didn't want any distractions. so i almost exclusively stayed inside the airbnb and made a lot of progress on my laptop. i took this photo on my phone on my final day in the town, which was also the first time i ventured to the beach. i finally felt recovered from my delhi belly and with my work project out of the way for the moment i was ready to move on to a better part of goa and experience a lot more beach time.
as i took this photo on my iphone it automatically made it into a live photo, so here's a moving version, because why not
as i took this photo on my iphone it automatically made it into a live photo, so here's a moving version, because why not
i've posted 6 photos taken with my iphone
i've posted 2 photos taken with an aperture of f/1.6
i've posted 2 photos taken with a focal length of 4.2 mm
i've posted 30 photos taken from india - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
these are all the countries of which i've posted photos