when i settled on going to
kho pha ngan in thailand after
india, i dedcided to book my accommodation in advance. ordinarily i would just book a few days to see if i liked the area, but i had a good feeling and knew that i had some work projects to do, so this time i booked for 3 weeks. i was surprised to discover that the prices were not quite as cheap as i was expecting, so in the end i settled for a bamboo hut which was only a few minutes from the beach. it was fairly simple abode but each hut had a private bathroom, a hammock on the porch and good internet access. additionally a scooter was included in the price for the duration of the stay. what else would i really need? that rhetorical question was definitively answered when i arrived and i discovered just how hot it was inside, it felt like i was stepping inside a sauna. there was a fan, which offered a small bit of relief, but mainly helped circulate the hot air around the small space. also the mosquito net above the bed was riddled with big holes, such that i ended up investing in some incense coils, which mercifully kept the insects away but didn't help with the temperature or general air quality. spend enough time in that sweat lodge and you can't wait to submerge yourself in some cool, refreshing water. however another learning was that not only was
the water too shallow to satisfyingly submerge myself, but it also managed to be even hotter inside the water compared to out of it. as someone who hails from an island surrounded by very cold waters it feels wrong to complain about the ocean being too warm, but i was really craving some kind of relief from the unrelenting heat. to be honest the only place i truly found it was in between my hut and the beach, where there was a 7 eleven that pumped ice cold air conditioning inside the store. i used to think that ac was one of those luxury items, but a few weeks in a sweat lodge made me view it as a real necessity in these parts of the world.
this was one of my favourite sunsets from the beach, and i took plenty of photos, here's
another shot and you can view even more on my
instagram post