17 December 2009
learner again
if you're wondering why this photo looks a bit strange it's because it's a reflection of an L plate, but the L still reads the correct way round. this was due to bit of rotated flipping, or should that be flipping rotation, either way here's the original
i've posted 888 photos taken with my nikon d60 - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 66 photos taken with a shutter speed of 1/80 sec - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 356 photos taken with an aperture of f/5.6 - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 155 photos taken with a focal length of 55.0 mm - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 2 photos taken on 13th December 2009
i've posted 880 photos taken from united kingdom - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
these are all the countries of which i've posted photos