11 January 2010
wide winter walk to work
after going a whole month posting a photo everyday i've managed to spoil my record fairly spectacularly by not adding a picture for a whole week. my excuse for this is work, which has kept me busy both during the day, and on evenings and the weekend. i've had one of those projects where a couple of weeks work was required in a weeks time. with that now (almost) wrapped up i'm hoping to get back to a more regular posting routine. it's a bit of a bugger that this period of work coincided with dramatic snowfall and also a new super wide-angle lens i was (very lucky to have been) given for christmas. i was hoping to make the most of both of these, but feel i haven't had the chance to take full advantage. as a result i've only really been out and about when going to and from work, so this shot was taken on the way to work. if it looks familiar, it's because i took a shot from a near identical position before christmas. i usually try to avoid repeat images, but in my head the wide-angle and black and white were justification to post another shot so soon. i first tried out a wide-angle lens when i was on holiday in peru. i commented back then that i particularly liked the effect it had on the clouds in the sky. i like to think that this reinforces that viewpoint, although it certainly helps having an elusive dramatic sky to work with.
here's the original
here's the original
i've posted 888 photos taken with my nikon d60 - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 50 photos taken with a shutter speed of 1/100 sec - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 70 photos taken with an aperture of f/9 - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 103 photos taken with a focal length of 10.0 mm - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 880 photos taken from united kingdom - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
these are all the countries of which i've posted photos
posted by Sophie Asselin on 12 Jan 2010 01:29