18 January 2025
stuck in a daydream - extra image
when i went scuba diving in the andaman islands my gopro finally gave up the ghost and stopped working. i wasn't too bummed out to be honest, it had lasted over ten years which is far longer than an action camera probably should. also it's not a camera that i use a great deal, essentially only when i was snowboarding or underwater, which unfortunately isn't an everyday occurrence in my life. however now that i'm in asia i was hoping to do a lot more of the latter compared to living in london, so when i arrived in bangkok it was on my list to replace. i ended up upgrading to a gopro hero 12 which is a significant step up in quality from my old hero 3+, i can now shoot raw, take video at 120fps and perhaps most helpfully see what i'm capturing with a screen on both the front and back. this photo is probably not the best to show of the abilities of this little action camera, i could have arguably taken a better photo with my regular wide angle lens, but as the saying goes the best camera is the one you have in your hands when you want to take a photo. and having spent the last couple of months enduring a colder winter than i'd anticipated, this shot transports me right back to the warm beach and warmer waters where i spent 3 weeks gazing into the sunset
here's another photo taken 24 hours later at the exact same time and location
here's another photo taken 24 hours later at the exact same time and location
i've posted 8 photos taken with my gopro hd hero
i've posted 13 photos taken with an aperture of f/2.5 - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
i've posted 54 photos taken from thailand - here are the last few i posted - view the rest here
these are all the countries of which i've posted photos